
Skin Deep – The Magic of the Dermapen

Skin Deep - The Magic of the Dermapen

Are you ready to kiss your acne scars goodbye?  Would you love to say “so long” to that pesky skin indentation where once, way back, a stubborn mole was removed?  Are there a few wrinkles and lines on your beautiful visage that you could definitely live without?

Are you tired of nodding along to these questions and ready to learn more?  READ ON!

Comfortable, effective, very affordable, and safe for all skin colors, the Dermapen is a needling device that essentially stamps your skin, making tiny holes in the epidermis (your outer layer of skin cells).  And this is good … why?  By causing these teeny-tiny, microscopic “injuries”, your body’s defenses are immediately called to arms, producing new collagen to heal the damaged portion of skin.  And new collagen = firmer, younger-looking skin!

Essentially, the Dermapen gives your skin a little tune-up.  In addition to producing new collagen, this treatment has been known to soften wrinkles, rid fine lines, and minimize scarring.  While results are not immediate, visible improvements are often seen in as little as two weeks, sometimes lasting for up to six months.

Are you interested in learning more about this treatment?  If so, give us a ring at 414-479-0113 or shoot us an email at [email protected]!

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