Aerolase Laser Treatment

Next Level No-Downtime Skin Rejuvenation with Aerolase Neo Elite
at EvolvMD MedSpa Milwaukee

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What Does Aerolase Neo Elite Do? Reveals a Flawless Complexion

Aerolase Neo Elite is an aesthetic medical laser that provides premium skin rejuvenation with maximum comfort and minimal downtime. It treats more than 32 skin conditions, all skin types and colors, with no downtime. If it sounds too good to be true think again!

It reduces pores, fine lines and tightens skin resulting in overall more youthful skin. And with its quick energy delivery system, Aerolase can safely treat all skin colors including tanned skin safely.

melasma treatment near me

Breaks Up Melasma,
Pigmentation and Treats 30+
Skin Concerns Safely

Aerolase Neo Elite improves the skin tone and
complexion by breaking up melanin and inflammation
seen in hyperpigmentation, freckles as well as melasma. With its quick energy delivery to the dermal layer
bypassing surrounding skin making it a
comfortable treatment

What Does Aerolase Treat?

  • Melasma
  • Ingrown Hairs
  • Vascular Leisions
  • Warts
  • Cutaneous Lesions
  • Redness & Bruising
  • Rosacea
  • Acne & Acne Scarring
  • Sun Damage
  • Agninomas
  • Laxity
  • Stretch Marks
  • Spider Veins
  • And More
A diagram of layers of skin

How Does Aerolase Work?

Aerolase's unique 650-microsecond technology is attracted to a combination of melanin, hemoglobin, and water in the skin tissue . 

The Neo’s energy passes through the skin to 
selectively heat these targets without adverse effects – 
resulting in clear, healthy skin. 

What Sets Aerolase Apart from Other Lasers?

Aerolase Neo has reinvented what we the notion of “no pain no gain.’  Due to its unique ability to deliver energy quickly; 650 microseconds to be exact.  

With the energy entering the skin at this speed, it bypasses the surrounding skin (where the pain is typically felt) eliminating the need for topical numbing.  Most lasers cannot reach the deep dermis (certainly not without substantial downtime and discomfort) where pigment resides and thus cannot achieve the same level of clearance.

A person getting an Aerolase treatment
Close up of a person's face with a circle around her acne

Is Aerolase a Good Treatment for Acne?

Aerolase targets several of the main factors involved in acne formation, sebum (oil) production, inflammation, and bacteria.

Not only is active acne treated, but future breakouts are minimized by the process. Hyperpigmentation (discoloration) is lessened by the destruction of melanin from the laser's energy. Even textural improvement over time from the production of new collagen can be see

Close-up of a person's face

Defy Aging with Aerolase Neo Elite

As skin ages the main components collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid diminish resulting in a reduction of firmness, enlarging pores, crepey texture, and lax skin. Complexion changes consisting of redness, spider veins, sun damage, and age spots may appear. Water is a key target of Areolase NeoSkin which leads to collagen production, improving the look of fine lines, pores, and skin laxity. Melanin and hemoglobin are two additional targets, and lead to destruction of brown pigment and vascular lesions, while also suppressing inflammation. The NeoSkin treatment is a quick, tailored treatment to address each patient’s specific anti-aging needs.

While acne and aging are two of the most commonly treated conditions, Aerolase’s patented 650 Microsecond Technology can handle dozens of skin issues, ranging from scars to spider veins. 

A person touching her face

Safe for All Skin Types & Tones

Everyone is an Aerolase Neo candidate as the laser is safe for all skin types and most skin conditions. With no downtime and
minimal pain this could truly be your next lunch time “facial”.

The key aspect of the Aerolase Neo is its ability to deliver energy 
so rapidly that it bypasses the epidermis, skipping over superficial 
melanocytes, preventing the pigmentary risk associated with many 
lasers.  Not only is Aerolase Neo safer and more comfortable than any other laser on the market, but it is also more effective, producing results  in less treatments thanks to its unique blend of high-powered yet gentle laser pulses.

Should I Combine Aerolase with Other Treatments?

Yes.  You can combine Aerolase with several of our treatments to maximize results.   It can be combined with Microneedling Rejuvapen NXT, Hydrafacials, Chemicals Peels and more. Click below to learn more  these treatments.  

Aerolase Before & After Photos

Before After
Before After
Before After
Before After

How Much Does Aerolase Cost?

$ 450

Prices start at $450 and packages are available.  We recommend booking
 a consultation to discuss the best skincare plan based on your needs. 

  • Packages Available

Frequently Asked Questions about the Aerolase Neo Elite at
EvolvMD Milwaukee, WI

Every client will start with a detail consult prior to your first Aerolase Neo treatment. It is essential at that visit that you discuss with your provider any skincare products and medications that you are currently using. Most treatments last anywhere from 15-45 minutes, depending on the clinical goals/areas being treated. Post treatment, your skin may feel warm, but usually there is very little discomfort, if any. Follow all post care instructions given by your provider. Typically, a gentle cleanser and moisturizer is recommended for a few days post treatment.

Aerolase Neo treats a variety of conditions. In acne, Aerolase Neo reduces inflammation, excess oil production, and kills bacteria. Results can be seen in acne after the first treatment. NeoClear is perfect for patients looking to avoid prescription medications. For rosacea broken capillaries can be treated, which calms redness in the skin. Melasma treatments are safe because the wavelength penetrates deep into the dermis generating minimal superficial heat. Results can last for years after the treatments, but of course, the skin is always aging and there are other environmental factors that can contribute to aging more quickly and diminish effects sooner. It is always recommended to maintain results with monthly and yearly maintenance.

There is very little risk with this treatment, especially with good communication pre and post procedure. Any side effects that occur are mild; and can be easily resolved. However, if proper pre and post instructions are followed, it is very rare that an adverse event would occur.

If you have Melasma you likely know that most treatments offer temporary improvement and that many treatments can even aggravate it further. While melasma is a lifelong condition Aerolase Neo allows us to target the root cause while bypassing the surface skin that causes the pigment to flair up.

There is virtually no downtime with this peel; however,  your skin may feel tighter after the peel. This is normal as the peel is working from the inside out to exfoliate the skin. 

Because Aerolase Neo has the ability to deliver energy so rapidly, it passes the epidermis, skipping over superficial melanocytes, preventing the pigmentary risk associated with many lasers making it safe for all skin types & tones. 

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