
How to Turn Back the Clock on Facial Aging

mom and daughterYou may have heard the expression “If you want to know what your wife will look like in 25 years, look at her mother,” and there is a lot of truth to that statement regarding how the overall facial structure changes over time. Although, our mom’s offer a lot of qualities we would be happy to have a turkey neck and extra skin around the eyes are not among them. The phrase “I’m turning into my mother” is often the opening line in a consultation.

Up to 50% of aging may be inherited from our parents. However, the MOST important factors are the things you do NOT inherit, such as sun exposure, smoking and your stress levels. The good news is that with the technology at EvolvMD the problems our moms’ had to live with can now be prevented or reversed.

Hyperpigmentation/Brown Spots

An even-toned complexion is a signifier of youth and health. Because brown spots are mostly from sun exposure, genetics here play only a minimal role.

What You Can Do

Use Sunblock DAILY. Don’t rely on your makeup and moisturizer products (unless they are medical grade) to provide the coverage they claim on their labels. At EvolvMD we LOVE Intellishade for UV coverage and its inclusion of antioxidants to further intensify the sunblock results.

To treat pigmentation start at home with a lightening cream like NeoCutis’ Blanche. In our office BBL photofacials or FOCUS Picosure treatments banish browns more effectively than any other devices we have seen.

Just remember that all this hard work of clearing pigmentation can be undone with just one day in the sun. UV light penetrates clouds and glass, so wear sunscreen indoors and in winter.


The paler the skin, the thinner it tends to be and the more it tends to wrinkle. Dry skin is prone to wrinkling because sebum, found in oily skin, contains lots of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects skin. External factors also contribute to wrinkle production. Sun and smoking destroy collagen while diminishing levels of estrogen contribute to thinning skin.

What You Can Do

#1 AVOID unprotected SUN exposure and SMOKING. Every dermatologist agrees the gold ­standard treatment for wrinkles is medical grade retinols such as Retin A. However, not all skin types can ­tolerate retinols as they can be drying and cause redness and peeling.

For a more gentle approach, try combining one of our favorite medical grade retinols Revision’s Retinol Complete with a hydrating serum.

In our office we offer treatments ranging from chemical peels to deep laser resurfacing and everything in between. Our recommendations for treatments come down to the results you are looking for and your recovery time.

Sagging Skin

Jowls, eye bags and sunken cheeks are the biggest signs of aging. They are often inherited because they depend on the structure of your face. Strong jaws and broad cheekbones act like tent poles holding everything in place longer. These individuals will notice a hollowing of their features without the drooping.

What You Can Do

Sagging skin occurs when the underlying structures — fat, muscle and even bone — shrink with age. It worsens as collagen and elastin levels decrease with age and stress, leading to loss of firmness. The GOOD news is this isn’t a hopeless process as you can rebuild collagen.

Microneedling using ultrafine needles to puncture the skin, is just one example of a treatment that is effective at creating collagen and thicker skin.

Of course nothing can ever replace the immediate volume restoration see with fillers. When fillers such as Lyft and Voluma are used in the midface along the cheek bone improvement in the jowls, under-eyes and cheeks is seen.

Finally skin care products containing vitamin A and C and growth factors help the skin create collagen. We recommend that all our clients looking to stimulate collagen try Bio Serum or Micro Serum from NeoCutis.

Dull, Tired-Looking Skin

Youthful skin is luminous because the surface layer is smooth, allowing light to ­penetrate and bounce off the thick collagen below, which acts like a mirror. With aging cell turnover slows resulting in a duller complexion.

What You Can Do

The key to radiance is to create a smooth surface, which means exfoliating the rough surface. A light exfoliating treatment with either an arctic laser peel or a light chemical peel is the first step to taking off those outer dead layers.

Not ready for peels? Even a medical grade facial can improve the skin’s brightness. Our Oxygen facial is an amazing option that will have you glowing in no time.

For personalized recommendations regarding your unique aging concerns please call 414.479.0113 to schedule your consultation.


Beauty at Every Age

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