
Is the Vi Peel Your One-Way Ticket to a Revitalized Complexion?

Joyful young woman touching hands to cheeks, smiling.

In short, yes.  This peel promises and delivers on game-changing results.

From skin conditions like acne and the scarring it causes, fine line & wrinkles from aging, hyperpigmentation and melasma from sun exposure and hormones, you might be left feeling less than confident about your complexion.

We know, from first-hand experience, what acne scarring, large pores and more, can do to self-esteem. As a practice, we look for the best solutions available that will be fast and effective at treating skincare concerns.

With its combination of potent ingredients that are safe for all skin tones and types, including darker skin tones, the Vi Peel makes it easier to get back to a place where you love your skin with or without makeup.

The Vi Peel, by the Vitality Institute, was designed to treat hormonal and cystic acne and acne scarring, and to help achieve that flawless finish most of us want. What the Vitality Institute  founder, Dr. Abdala Kalil found was, not only did it stop severe acne in its tracks, but it effectively minimized fine lines and wrinkles, and broke up stubborn pigmentation and melasma. The Vi Peel peels and reveals glowing skin, along with a healthy boost of confidence.

But what exactly is a Vi Peel, and how does it treat some of the most common skin conditions? Let’s dive in.

The Power of the Vi Peel

The Vi Peel is a chemical peel that’s designed to target both the upper and lower layers of the skin. The peel uses a potent  combination of active ingredients including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), phenol, salicylic acid, vitamin C, and tretinoin.

But don’t let the words “chemical peel” scare you. The Vi Peel contains a numbing agent that’s designed to keep patients comfortable throughout the treatment process.

Beyond eliminating discomfort, the Vi Peel is also an efficient option. Gone are the days of chemical peels that keep you inside or under an umbrella for a month at a time. Not only is the in-office visits super fast, under 30 minutes, but there is minimal downtime.  In as little as seven days, you’ll see new, refreshed skin.

Unveiling The Vi Peel: How It Works Its Magic

The blend of ingredients works together to get down to the dermal layer to treat active acne, stimulate collagen and cell turnover.  And it targets  visible concerns at the epidermal layer — improving the overall texture of the skin, minimizing  fine lines, wrinkles and improving uneven skin tone.

For some, there are skincare issues like hyperpigmentation and melasma, which can seem untreatable. Melasma causes darkening, brown, or gray patches and spots  There is not one cause for melasma, and while it can vanish as suddenly as it appears, it can be one of the most difficult & stubborn skin concerns to treat.

But did you know that there is an effective melasma treatment? The Vi Peel, with Trichloroacetic acid, specifically targets pigmentation issues. It also includes retinoic acid, which inhibits the production of melanin to reduce hyperpigmentation and even out the dark patches in the skin.

Dealing with acne-prone skin or acne scarring? The Vi Peel’s exfoliating properties make it perfect for getting rid of dead skin cells, unclogging pores and encouraging skin rejuvenation and reduced breakouts.The anti inflammatory properties come into play here as well, reducing acne-related redness and inflammation.

Replace rosacea with fine lines & wrinkles information.

If you’re dealing with surface-acne scarring, it’s not too late to consider the Vi Peel. The formulation is designed to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin, making a big difference in your complexion if you were acne-prone in the past.

Joyful young woman touching hands to cheeks, smiling.

Restore Your Skin with EvolvMD

The Vi Peel is non-invasive, effective and impressive. If you’re worried about the pain or side effects involved with the Vi Peel, request a consultation at EvolvMD.

We have FIVE different Vi Peel options, providing a pore-pinpointed experience based on the type of condition you’re working with, or the solution you’re looking for.

  • The Vi Peel Chemical Peel for Tone & Texture is safe for all skin types and is designed to improve skin clarity and revitalize the look and feel of the complexion.
  • The Vi Peel Chemical Peel with Precision Plus for Skin Discoloration contains the original Vi Peel formula with a hydroquinone-enriched lightening booster to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and melasma. This is also safe for all skin types.
  • The Vi Peel Chemical Peel Purify for Active Acne & Oily Skin is the best choice for someone with active severe acne. This peel combines the original formula with benzoyl peroxide, kojic acid, and hydrocortisone.
  • The Vi Peel for Dark Spots and Wrinkles combines the magic of the Vi Peel with a neurotoxin injection, designed to target all signs of aging. This option is worth considering, no matter the skin issue.
  • The Vi Peel for Sun Damage and Uneven Skin Tone pairs the Vi Peel with microneedling for a phenomenal breakthrough against sun damage and dark spots. This combination treatment stimulates collagen and breaks up pigmentation for a more even tone and texture.

You’re in good hands at EvolvMD — we take the time to make you feel comfortable and have the experience and skill set to take proper care of your complexion. Request your consultation today.

which comes with blushing and rashing of the face, is another condition that benefits greatly from the Vi Peel. The salicylic acid, retinoic acid and vitamin C in the Vi Peel makes an anti-inflammatory combination that can soothe the redness and inflammation that comes with rosacea. The peel is also an exfoliant, which works to reduce the visibility of redness and the appearance of blood vessels in the complexion.

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