
The Science Behind Anti-Aging: Going Deep for Ageless Results with Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments

Top view of a spa client undergoing microneedling treatment

Timeless beauty is something every woman wants. At EvolvMD, we think of J. Lo and Jennifer Aniston as the gold-standard in anti-aging. They look so young!

But what does it really mean when we say someone looks young?

It means their skin has volume, it’s tight, lifted and radiant. Radiance has to do with hydration on the inside.

Most of us want results like J. Lo, and we want an instant fix, right? But there is no such thing as an instant fix – even with the best skin care regimen on the planet. If you want your skin to look rested and radiant in your 40s, 50s and beyond, read on. We’re sharing the science behind anti-aging and a skincare plan for the ages.

First things first, what really happens as we age?

The most important thing to know? The body naturally produces less collagen over time. Collagen production starts to decline at 25. By 45, collagen production has all but stopped.

What does this mean for your skin?

Collagen loss is one of the primary causes for wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. The leading cause of this change is accumulated sun exposure, causing 80% of premature aging.

When you combine those two factors with genetics, hormonal changes, free-radicals, pollutants and the natural aging process, it’s a recipe for wrinkles.

If you want skin to have a youthful radiance, you need a skincare plan that accounts for all factors that contribute to aging.

What does that look like? There’s good news and bad news.

The bad news is there is no one-stop treatment. We wish!

Good news, with the right long-lasting skincare plan, you can achieve and maintain a youthful radiant complexion and feel incredible in your own skin for years to come.

An anti-aging skin care regimen needs three things:

  1. Treatments that go beyond the top layer, aka your epidermis, to stimulate collagen and elastin at the dermal layer
  2. Treatments that target and destroy sun damage
  3. Treatments that smooth out wrinkles and add volume

I want my skin to look young without surgery, what do I need to do? Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments to Consider

You don’t necessarily need to find alternatives to Botox as you come up with your new clinical skin care routine. Botox and fillers will always be excellent ways to smooth out wrinkles and restore volume loss to the face almost instantaneously.

When women say they’re getting old, they typically point to skin that’s starting to sag — crow’s feet, wrinkles between the eyes, forehead lines and lines around the mouth.

Botox treatments work by paralyzing or freezing the muscles to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Fillers restore volume and fullness to the face and hands. Both treatments are safe, effective and FDA-approved.

These treatments are great instant confidence boosters, but they are only temporary solutions to a long-term problem. Botox typically lasts between 3 and 4 months, while fillers typically last around one year depending on your body.

When you combine Botox and Filler with treatments that can target the dermal and epidermal layer, like the Forever Young BBL Photofacial (broadband light) and Sylfirm X RF Microneedling, that’s when you will see long-term results.

40 year old woman with glowing face and skin

Forever Young BBL Photofacial: One of the Best Anti-Aging Treatments for Face

If you’re looking for an non-surgical skin care treatment that can transform and resurface your skin, the BBL Photofacial is a great match.

Also referred to as intense pulsed light (IPL), BBL uses broad brand light to target and destroy sun damage at the dermal layer and visible signs of aging at the epidermal layer of the skin to destroy unhealthy skin cells and generate healthy ones in their place. The result is an improvement in the skin’s tone, texture and elasticity, repairing damage like discoloration, fine lines, redness and sun damage.

The best news? By starting BBL Facials young and staying consistent, you can change the way your skin ages from the inside out.

RF Microneedling: The Ideal Addition to Your Clinical Skin Care Routine

RF Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that uses microneedles to create small microinjuries that target the dermal layer of the skin.

Why do we want injuries on our skin and isn’t that painful?

Microinjuries trigger our body’s natural healing process. When that happens, it forces the body to stimulate collagen and elastin. This treatment is perfect for someone with fine lines and wrinkles, sagging or loose and crepey skin, skin discoloration, mild scars and stretch marks.


Sylfirm, for instance, combines heat from radiofrequency energy with microneedling to tighten and lift the skin. With Sylfirm not only are you safely treating the dermal (aka collagen) layer with precision, but results include smaller pores, better skin laxity, a more even skin tone and clearer complexion.

This treatment can take years off your skin because it leads to collagen stimulation and elastin production. And according to Dr. Reiswig, it’s a great option to consider for effective results in skin tone and control.

“It is the only dual-wave device on the market that can improve laxity and treat pigmentation. Because it delivers precise RF energy and heat to the deepest layers of the skin, results are more effective.”

MicroLaser Peel: The Non Invasive Wrinkle Treatment You’ve Always Wanted

The MicroLaser Peel, also known as the Arctic Laser Peel, removes the outermost layer of the skin to eliminate damaged cells. By eliminating this layer of the skin, you can reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone and texture. During the healing process, fresh skin cells grow and resurface the area with healthy skin, encouraging a youthful glow.

Your Ticket to Radiance?

At EvolvMD, we offer a variety of different non-invasive and minimally invasive treatment options that can help you nurture your anti-aging regimen. From Botox and Sylfirm X to fillers and the Forever Young BBL Photofacial, we can help you determine which treatment (or combination of treatments) can help you achieve your skincare goals.

Contact us today to book your consultation.

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