
Should I Supercharge My BBL Photofacial?

Supercharge Your BBL Photofacial at EvolvMD MedSpa in Milwaukee, WI


The short answer is yes you should supercharge your BBL Photofacial.  The Forever Young BBL Photofacial is already one of the best and most sought-after laser treatments on the market today and when you can make it more effective, you absolutely do it!

What is a Forever Young BBL Photofacial?

BBL, Broadband Light, is a patented technology that uses a broad, or wide range of wavelengths, to improve the visible signs of aging skin such as dullness, rosacea, broken capillaries, fine lines, and sunspots due to prolonged sun exposure.

What Will it Do for My Skin?

BBL Photofacials treat the visible signs of aging and will improve the skin’s overall health.  The benefit of the Forever Young BBL Photofacial versus IPL, Intense Pulsated Light, is what it affects at the cellular level.  A long-term study conducted by Stanford shows that BBL Photofacials regenerate new, healthy cells, and essentially reverse the aging process. By regenerating fresh, new healthy skin cells the skin will look and act younger at a cellular level, visibly improving skin’s clarity, texture, and tone. And BBL can be done anywhere on the body!

How Do I Supercharge My BBL Photofacial?

Post-BBL Photofacial, supercharge your BBL Photofaciala with a SkinCeuticals chemical peel. It will enhance the BBL treatment results. Our SkinCeuticals peels are superficial, meaning they only affect the outermost layer of the skin so there is no downtime or discomfort, but they will transform the skin.  A superficial peel will exfoliate the skin allowing the BBL device to reach its target better, and adding hydration speeds up the skin’s recovery time. With exfoliation and hydration, the skin will be smoother, brighter, and more luminous.

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