
Maybe She’s Born With it… 9 Common Botox Myths

Young woman happy and relaxed hands on face beside eyes after Botox treatment

You’ve probably heard about Botox before. But with so much information out there, we’re here to help you understand the difference between Botox myths and facts. Let’s separate fact from fiction so you know what Botox is, and what it’s not.

What Is Botox?

Botox is an injectable drug. It comes from Clostridium botulinum, which is a type of toxin that affects the nerves in the body.

Botox is produced under strict requirements, using only a certain type of this toxin. It’s also diluted and sterilized during production. Botox is FDA approved and has a long history of successful and safe treatment.

Botox injections work by blocking nerve signals to muscles, which in turn stops certain muscles from tensing or contracting. It can be used cosmetically to smooth frown lines, wrinkles, and fine lines. However, Botox can also be used to help manage certain medical conditions. That includes chronic migraines, nerve pain and excessive sweating.

Now we’re clear on what Botox is, here’s a breakdown of Botox facts and myths. 

Myth No. 1: Botox Is Toxic

This is a really common myth. Botox is manufactured from a toxin. In significant doses, botulinum can cause botulism, which is a type of poisoning. However, Botox injections contain a very small and purified dose of the substance. They are FDA-approved for certain types of medical use.

In short, Botox isn’t toxic to you when it’s used in a safe and effective medical procedure.  

Myth No. 2: It’s Painful to Get Botox

Not true – Botox injections should not be painful. You might feel a slight pinch during the procedure due to the injections penetrating the skin. However, pain isn’t normal. Tell your provider if you experience noticeable discomfort. 

Myth No. 3: Botox Makes Your Face Look Like Plastic

Again, this is a myth. An experienced provider using the right technique will deliver results that appear natural and beautiful. If you choose EvolvMD, our highly trained and experienced staff will ensure you look refreshed after Botox treatment, not plastic.

Myth No. 4: You Can Only Use Botox for Wrinkles

This is another common misconception. Botox is a medical treatment that can be used for various health conditions, including sweating (hyperhidrosis), clenching, TMJ, migraine, eyelid twitches and types of chronic pain. Always consult a medical professional if you’re unsure whether Botox is right for you. 

Myth No. 5. If You Get Botox Once, You Can’t Stop

Not true! There’s no reason you can’t get one Botox treatment. Botox will not cause an addiction, and there are no risks or side effects associated with a single round of Botox.   

Young woman with brunette hair smiling after Botox treatment procedures

Myth No. 6. Botox and Fillers Are the Same

This one’s false. Injectable fillers and Botox both target signs of aging, such as wrinkles, but they do so in very different ways. 

  • Botox freezes muscles to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. 
  • Dermal fillers fill certain areas which look thinner due to aging.

Think of it this way: Botox creates smoothness, while fillers add fullness. The combination is a magic formula to help combat signs of aging.

Myth No. 7. The Results Are Permanent

This is a myth, unfortunately. Just because you receive Botox once doesn’t mean the results will last. Typically, Botox results last up to three months before you’ll need another treatment. 

Myth No. 8. You Can’t Exercise After Botox

Ever heard of the “no exercise after Botox” myth? It’s believed that exercising and sweating causes a Botox injection to shift, which could lead to patchy results. Is there any truth in this, though?

Well, there’s no direct evidence to say that strenuous exercise causes Botox treatment to fail. However, you might want to avoid working up a sweat in the first 24 hours after treatment. Exercise increases blood flow, so exercising right after treatment might increase the risk of bruising.   

Myth No. 9. You Can’t Lie Down After Botox

This one is true but only for the first few hours after treatment. What is the “lying down after Botox” myth? The doctors who invented the use of Botox for cosmetics to this day still advise their patients to limit bending over and laying flat for a few hours. The thought process here is the product may  spread unevenly if you lie down after Botox. 

Myth No. 10. Botox is Best!

In the United States there are 5 manufacturers of cosmetic botulinum. Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau, Daxxify are all phenomenal options to relax muscle. While marketing may encourage patients to think one is best, the reality is they are all effective treatments.

Safe and Effective Botox Treatments at EvolvMD

Don’t let Botox myths deter you from trying Botox injections for yourself! At EvolvMD, our experienced and highly skilled team is committed to helping you choose the right cosmetic treatment for your needs. Whether you want to control fine lines or smooth those crow’s feet, we can help. 

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