
EmSculpt NEO vs CoolSculpting: Your Guide to a New You

Young female wearing white bikini holding measuring tape around her waist

Looking to reduce fat in different areas of the body? Body contouring can help.

But how do you choose between the treatments? And what if a treatment could both burn fat and build muscle at the same time? There is a treatment that fits the bill: EmSculpt Neo.

Here’s a comparison of CoolSculpting vs. EmSculpt NEO to help you make a choice. 

What Is EmSculpt NEO? A New Generation of Body Sculpting: Fat Loss & Improved Muscle Tone

EmSculpt NEO is a type of body sculpting treatment. It uses electromagnetic energy to send harmless impulses to target areas. These impulses generate muscle contractions to help destroy fat, stimulate muscles, and build definition.

EmSculpt Neo also utilizes radiofrequency to heat and destroy fat. By combining two forms of treatment (the first such offering to do so), it delivers more impressive results.

Each session takes just 30 minutes, and you won’t have any pain or side effects. 

EmSculpt NEO Benefits

EmSculpt provides a variety of valuable benefits:

  • It’s completely painless and comfortable.
  • There’s no downtime or extended recovery, because it’s non-invasive.
  • The treatment reduces fat and builds muscle, so it helps you improve your body composition. 
  • EmSculpt NEO is suitable for a variety of patients. From athletes to seniors looking to build muscle mass, EmSculpt is safe. 

Is EmSculpt NEO Safe?

EmSculpt is FDA approved. What does this mean? Put simply, the FDA believes EmSculpt NEO to be a safe and effective treatment. The FDA doesn’t approve treatments easily, so you can be confident that EmSculpt NEO is safe for you. 

Will EmSculpt Build Muscle so I can Look Like JLO?

Yes! This is what separates EmSculpt NEO from other contouring treatments. The muscle contractions mimic exercise – you don’t need to set foot inside the gym to get a great workout. So, not only will you look leaner and more defined, but you’ll build muscle.

If you want a more athletic appearance, EmSculpt Neo can help. But is EmSculpt better than CoolSculpting or other treatments like Vanquish? Let’s take a closer look.  

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting “cools” or freezes excess fat cells. Eventually, these pockets of fat shrink. The result is you’re left with a more toned appearance.

CoolSculpting works, but it can be uncomfortable. And although the fat cells shrink, you won’t build any muscle definition unless you also start hitting the gym.  

What Is Vanquish?

Vanquish is another treatment for reducing fat. It uses radiofrequency technology to “heat up” or “melt” fat cells and shrink their appearance. This is the same basic concept behind the fat-burning component in EmSculpt Neo.

Vanquish is more comfortable than CoolSculpting and, combined with diet and exercise, helps with fat loss. However, it doesn’t build muscle on its own.

EmSculpt, CoolSculpting, and Vanquish are all non-surgical. Unlike liposuction and tummy tucks, they’re not invasive, and you don’t need anesthesia. 

Young woman looking to her right and touching shoulder with manicured hand.

Will EmSculpt Work for Me?

EmSculpt Neo is a Great Choice for Many Ages & Body Types! 

Anyone looking to build a leaner body and feel confident in their own skin is a good candidate! Whether you’re a mommy trying to shed some postpartum pounds, or a regular gym-goer, EmSculpt NEO can help. 

  • If your BMI is over 35, the results may not be so effective. Other treatment options could help you reduce fat more quickly. 
  • Are you pregnant? It’s best to wait until after you give birth before getting treatment.
  • If you have a pacemaker or electronic implant, the pulses used to build new muscle fibers might be too intense. Check with your doctor before booking a consultation.

Our team will happily discuss any concerns you have to ensure EmSculpt NEO is safe for you.  

Which Is Better – CoolSculpting or EmSculpt?

So, is EmSculpt NEO better than CoolSculpting? Let’s make some comparisons to see which treatment comes out on top. 


CoolSculpting freezes fat cells in the treatment area. These stubborn fat cells then leave the body over time. EmSculpt NEO, however, doesn’t just reduce fat. It generates muscle contractions to build muscle mass and destroy fat at the same time.

When we compare treatments, EmSculpt NEO isn’t just more effective. It gives you a better overall appearance, too.


If we compare EmSculpt NEO vs CoolSculpting costs, which costs more? Well, it’s hard to determine, because the precise cost depends on the package you choose. 

Some EmSculpt treatments are more expensive than CoolSculpting. However, EmSculpt NEO is more effective, so you’ll have more impressive results and need fewer maintenance treatments. 


Because CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, you could experience nerve pain after treatment. This could mean you need to take some downtime for recovery. EmSculpt NEO, however, is totally painless. You can get right back to your normal routine the moment you leave the clinic!

CoolSculpting vs EmSculpt Neo: which is better? EmSculpt – the results speak for themselves. 

Get EmSculpt NEO Treatment at EvolvMD

When we compare CoolSculpting and EmSculpt NEO, there’s only one winner. It’s EmSculpt Neo. It’s safe, effective, and more comfortable than CoolSculpting. What’s more, it’s perfect for muscle toning – not just destroying fat.

Ready to build a leaner, more defined body without endless gym sessions? EmSculpt NEO could be right for you. To learn more about body contouring and discuss our price packages, request a consultation today!  

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