
Rethinking your ink?

Tattoos are becoming increasingly popular (especially among young people), and when inked by a talented artist, they can be beautiful, meaningful, and personal … but what some tattoo enthusiasts don’t always consider is that they are also very, very permanent.  Are you sure that gorgeous song lyric so important to you at this stage in your life will always hold the same power?  Do you really want a flaming tiger leaping across your back?  Are you 100% positive that you and Mary Beth or Chad Michael will last forever?

Because his/her name on your body certainly will …

Clearly the regret is real, considering 96,000 tattoos were removed in 2014.  Of the 45 million adults in the U.S. (that’s 21% of the population!) who have braved the needle, clearly not all of them thought their decision through.  That’s where we come in!

The reasons people choose to get a tattoo obviously vary widely, but their thinking behind wanting to be rid of them are often quite similar.  Do you fall into one of these categories?:

  • The patient suffers from the dreaded “ex” tattoo
  • The patient is tired of having limited clothing options
  • The patient doesn’t want their children to see it
  • The tattoo has significantly faded over time
  • The tattoo is limiting career opportunities or acceptance into the military
  • The patient’s attitude toward the tattoo’s meaning has changed

Whatever your personal reasons are for wanting a clean slate, our knowledgeable staff at EvolvMD MedSpa & Body Contouring, conveniently located in Wauwatosa, WI, is here to help!  We use the PicoSure laser treatment – widely regarded as the best on the market today – to safely remove your unwanted tattoo(s) in about half the time of other lasers, which means fewer treatments and less recovery time!

Are you rethinking your ink?  Give us a call at 414.479.0113 or send us a message at [email protected]!

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